

When Sufism is mentioned, most people in the West think of Rumi, the Sufi poet and mystic. It reminds them of the deep beauty and love that Rumi transmits in his poetry.

Some people find that reciting his poetry fills their hearts and minds and that’s enough for them. Other people want to explore for themselves the Journey that Rumi embraced to reach such ecstatic states. They want to taste and experience “The True Love”.

In the classes and workshops that are available, you can learn and benefit from the Sufi universal principles and methods that are easily integrated into our modern world.

You will then experience the joy of discovering your true self, your “Soul self” and the reconnection with the Source or Universal Consciousness.

Anis Lahlou

Anis was born and raised in Morocco. Like most Moroccans, he grew up speaking the Moroccan dialect and French.

He also was influenced by both Eastern and Western cultures. From a young age, he felt that his understanding of life and intuitive perception were different.

At the age of 15 his atheist French teacher asked the class “Why do people believe in God while there are so many atrocities happening in the world!”

This question put him on a spiritual quest that led him to Mysticism.

In 1988, he met his first spiritual guide who taught him the teachings of the Sufi path and transmitted to him some of its inner secrets.

Anis moved to the United States of America in 1989, where he maintained his Sufi practices to deepen his knowledge.


Anis Lahlou

Anis was born and raised in Morocco. Like most Moroccans, he grew up speaking the Moroccan dialect and French.

He also was influenced by both Eastern and Western cultures. From a young age, he felt that his understanding of life and intuitive perception were different.

At the age of 15 his atheist French teacher asked the class “Why do people believe in God while there are so many atrocities happening in the world!”

This question put him on a spiritual quest that led him to Mysticism.

In 1988, he met his first spiritual guide who taught him the teachings of the Sufi path and transmitted to him some of its inner secrets.

Anis moved to the United States of America in 1989, where he maintained his Sufi practices to deepen his knowledge.

Less than 10 years later, he received an energetic healing that relieved him from back pain that no other form of therapy succeeded in resolving. He also realized that his hands became energized during the healing he received. At that point, he started helping countless people by doing energetic healings.

In 2006, he met his second Sufi guide. His guide not only taught Sufism but also Soul healing. Anis then transitioned from energetic healing to soul healing. What he appreciated the most was that now he could go to the root cause of the disease and help people heal on the deepest level. He found that this form of healing could be done remotely since the Soul is not confined by time and space. His second guide also gave him permission to teach Sufism and practice Soul healing.

After more than 30 years of studying and practicing Sufism, Anis wanted to share what he learned from both Mystic paths to his students in a simplified and experiential way. He prefers to keep his classes limited to 10 students. This small class-size allows students to receive individualized guidance in a very interactive environment. Anis’ goal is to help people learn to deepen their level of consciousness and learn how to heal themselves.



Debra Haviland

"In a world of chaos, turmoil, and alarming headlines, Anis’ spiritual classes and sessions connect you from wherever you are in the world to a family of eager learners striving for peace, goodness, enlightenment and light (Noor). Moving through headlines of wars and human suffering, this once a week class brings calm, spirituality, connectedness and grounding. It is a “must do” class, under a kind, positive, uplifting and generous teacher "a Master Hidden Gem." I strongly recommend the sessions which have been spiritually healing for all who attend."

Dr. Amineh Hoti
Author and Professor of Islamic Studies