Free Events
The Key To The Secret Of The Sacred Sounds
In this is one hour event, you will have the opportunity to experience the beauty, love, and peace that come with the recitation of the Divine Qualities.

Dhikr means Remembrance. During Dhikr, a group of people chant together Divine Qualities as a means of connecting back to the Source, the Divine. As the chanting is done in a group setting, the Divine Lights and Blessings are increased exponentially. This unique experience helps us open our Hearts and Soul to deeper levels of Consciousness, Love and Beauty.

The Key To The Secret Of The Sacred Sounds

In this is one hour event, you will have the opportunity to experience the beauty, love, and peace that come with the recitation of the Divine Qualities.

Dhikr means Remembrance. During Dhikr, a group of people chant together Divine Qualities as a means of connecting back to the Source, the Divine. As the chanting is done in a group setting, the Divine Lights and Blessings are increased exponentially. This unique experience helps us open our Hearts and Soul to deeper levels of Consciousness, Love and Beauty.